For 45 years Randy McNamara led transformational courses that empowered 300,000 people to think for themselves. In addition, he trained 800 leaders to coach people in carrying out 100,000 community projects that impact the quality of people’s lives in the world.
In addition, he has an extensive background as a public relations professional: 4 years as manager of public relations for a major airline; 4 years as a public relations consultant in a public relations agency; and 3 years as director of corporate communications for an international personal effectiveness corporation.
Working pro bono, Randy McNamara is a mission realization coach empowering 40 clients to realize their organization’s mission.
Clients include organizations devoted to stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons, protecting rainforests, causing regenerative agriculture, green energy solutions, replacing coal fired power plants, electrifying transportation, causing a just transition from fossil fuels for labor union members, and educating the public on issues. Some clients are non-profits, some are profit-making businesses, one is an arm of the United Nations.
Randy’s mission is to empower and enable people, organizations and governments to produce miraculous results that ensure a thriving livable planet.
Randy McNamara asserts that human beings are in a trance regarding taking the actions in time to stop human contributions to climate change. The Google dictionary defines “trance” as “a half-conscious state characterized by an absence of response to external stimuli . ”
The over-arching trance that shapes the way we think and act is what lives in the unsaid of our language when we say the word “future.” What lives in the unsaid when we say “future” is: “sometime later / not now.” We consistently delay taking bold, effective actions now!! The actions we take today are the only actions that will determine our tomorows.
Two fast, simple actions you can take on this website:
Click on the tab “6 graphics that tell the whole story” and take 15 seconds of your time and see the whole story.
Click on the video tab to watch Randy deliver a 15-minute presentation that reveals hidden trances that keep us stuck and which offers 3 unique pathways that all citizens can take to make a difference.